Knowledge sharing is part of our corporate culture.

Our company was founded and is directed by professors and we believe that the evolution of geotechnical engineering occurs with the exchange of knowledge, experiences and information.

We will place published works, explanatory videos of tests, lectures, among other content related to geotechnical engineering on this page.


Fundações em solos lateríticos – Novas Considerações
Avanços da NBR 6484 / 2020 – Sondagens de simples reconhecimento com SPT
Bate-papo ABGE Nacional: A revisão da NBR 6484 de sondagens: O que mudou?


Ensaios de Piezocone (CPTU).
Sondagem a percussão (SPT) mecanizada.
Ensaios com o Pressiômetro de Ménard (PMT)
Perfurações com trados “Hollow Auger”.
Controle de compactação em projetos de terraplenagem.


Recent experiences obtained with DMT in Brazilian Soils.

The objective of this paper is to show the use of DMT in Brazilian geotechnical engineering, which is gradually growing, in spite of a country where the practice in site investigations is completely dominated by the Standard Penetration Test SPT. Some Brazilian sites are presented in this paper, with the results of DMT, SPT and/or CPT, in different geological conditions.

Shallow foundation of tall buildings, designed on the basis of DMT results

The objective of this paper is to describe the use of DMT in the design of shallow foundations for tall buildings in Sao Paulo / SP, Brazil. This city in Brazil has a well known geologic formatio

Obtendo experiência com o ensaio DMT

Neste trabalho, estão apresentados resultados obtidos em diferentes condições de terreno, procurandose destacar os elementos fundamentais de sua interpretação, proporcionando experiência e familiaridade com essa técnica.

An approach to evaluation of field CPTU dissipation data in overconsolidated fine-grained soils

John P. Sully, Peter K. Robertson, Richard G. Campanella, and David J. Woeller

Projetos de fundações rasas baseados em ensaios DMT

Seguindo uma tendência que está se consolidando no meio técnico internacional e que compreende a aplicação rotineira de ensaios especiais de campo, no dimensionamento de fundações, neste trabalho, procurou-se exemplificar dois casos de edifícios altos, construídos na cidade de São Paulo/SP, apoiados em fundações rasas, em sapatas, cujos estudos de projeto, contaram com o apoio decisivo de ensaios DMT (dilatômetro de Marchetti).

Geotechnical parameters for consolidation practice in soft soils in São Paulo region R02

The need to study soft soils increases, as it continuously demanded by urban occupation today. Parameters related to resistance, compressibility, stress history and consolidation properties from these soils are essential for a good geotechnical design, mainly in regions with the occurrence of high compressible saturated soils. Despite the reliability of soil laboratory tests, these can take a long time to give results and usually there are not enough samples to consider them representative.

DMT tests for compaction control purpose

DMT was intensively used for compaction control during the landfill execution for a logistic site close to São Paulo – Brazil. The volume involved at the earthwork is around 1,000,000 m³ and 65 boreholes were done in the compacted fill, accumulating more than 1,000 m of DMT results. The rigorously controlled landfill was evaluated during its construction process,


Disponibilizamos no link abaixo resultados de provas de carga diversas, separadas por regiões, tipos de fundações e formas de provas de carga.

O objetivo é que a comunidade geotécnica possa evoluir conjuntamente em relação às previsões de cargas das fundações.

Por razões de confidencialidade, não divulgamos empresas contratantes ou endereço exato do local.

Link atualizado em 09/12/2021
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Alameda Rio Negro nº 1.105
Barueri - São Paulo

Damasco Penna

We have been transforming the Brazilian geotechnical egineering for over 40 years.

Excellence from beginning to the end

Our company performs diverse geotechnical, geological and geoenvironmental services throughout the Brazilian territory.