Sustainability for us means meeting the needs of the present and, at the same time, promoting a better future for the place we live.


Our goal as a company is to go beyond what laws or regulations prescribe. We want to make a difference in the community in which we live by concrete social and environmental actions and also by direct influence with all those who relate to Damasco Penna, be it our employees and their families, our customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

We seek to promote an organizational culture in which all employees feel engaged for being an active part of the routine consolidation in which health, safety, well-being, diversity, and sustainability are part of our lifestyle.



We are aware of the potential impact of our activities on the environment, and are committed to using the best practices on waste management, strictly complying with all laws, and local regulations by a sistematic approach certified by ISO-14.001.

We have as routine in our operations:

  • Adequate disposal of waste from our activities;
  • Selective collection at workstations and operational sites;
  • Maintenance of action procedure in case of environmental emergencies;
  • Monitoring of sustainability indicators;
  • Minimization of environmental impacts resulting from our activities


We idealized this program as a way to contribute to the restoration of deforested areas.

From the year 2020, for each sounding we perform (measured by verticals), we plant a seedling of native species in the “Mata Atlântica”, a biome typical from Brazil and other surrounding countries

Know more about this project here


Everything we do and achieve is built by our employees. We know that the more ideas and conversations, the greater our power to overcome challenges. We believe that having an inclusive and diverse workforce is one of the greatest qualities of our company.

Our employees must feel valued and know that they have equal conditions of recognition, which will always be based on performance. A primary objective of Damasco Penna is to ensure that people from all backgrounds and genders work together to create a fair, healthy and high-performing organization.

Damasco Penna

We have been transforming the Brazilian geotechnical egineering for over 40 years.

Excellence from beginning to the end

Our company performs diverse geotechnical, geological and geoenvironmental services throughout the Brazilian territory.